The peace and quiet on the ocean is what got me the most".

- by Greg Van Roosbroeck, De Standaard, De Gazet Van Antwerpen & Evenaar TV, 20/02/2019

With CptnZeppos, Antwerp resident Joris Van Bree is the first agency in Belgium to start specialising in trips on cargo ships. As from April you can board one of these mastodons for about 100 euro a day. And that for a trip of 6 to 119 days. The destinations don't really matter. Being on the road is much more important.

Some shipping companies do not mind if the family of a passenger travels along. And even if you are a friend of one of the people on board, it is sometimes possible to arrange a cabin at a reasonable price. But a Belgian travel agency that organises trips on a cargo ship is new.

Joris Van Bree (46) already has four shipping companies with whom he is in business, both literally and figuratively. Together they account for 150 routes worldwide, with 37 departing from Antwerp.

Social detox

I came up with the idea when I was cycling to Lillo last year. Next to me I saw the gigantic cargo ships. I wondered what life is like on board such a mastodon. I booked a trip through a German agency and I liked it so much that I decided to start such a travel agency myself', says Van Bree.Joris Van Bree was on board the Atlantic Sun, an Italian container and roll-on roll-off ship that sailed from Antwerp to New York via Liverpool and Halifax. The journey took fourteen days.

Besides five fellow passengers, the only people on board were the 32 crew members of the shipping company. It's the peace and quiet that grabbed me, together with the beautiful views of just sky and water. Besides, there's no internet connection on the ocean. So no more of those constant notifications on your phone. I can recommend such a social detox to everyone.

Van Brees' time on the ship was entirely a recluse. He was in contact with the captain, and the other crew members were also quite taken with his presence. 'The personnel on board such a ship only see each other. They were glad that an outsider came to look at their work with amazement. I say watch, because working on board is clearly forbidden,' says Van Bree.Yet somehow I felt like a member of the crew. The crew I was allowed to sail with were very respectful, helpful and friendly. They were people who were one hundred percent dedicated to their job. They could learn a lot from that on land.

Swimming pool and fitness room

Of course, the facilities of a cargo ship are not tailored to tourists. Nevertheless, the industrial ocean giants have comfortable sleeping quarters. The most comfortable cabins measure 15 to even 35 square meters, sometimes with a separate bedroom or bathroom. In addition, almost all cargo ships have a gym, and they usually have an indoor or outdoor pool.'The cost of a trip on a cargo ship is about 100 euros per day, including, according to Van Bree, very decent meals on board. The exact price depends on the shipping company you sail with and the length of the trip. This can vary from 6 to 119 days. If you sail that long, you've been around the world and you've seen quite a bit. But actually the destinations are not that important. Being underway is much more important'.

Van Bree will not only offer trips from the port of Antwerp, but also from Zeebrugge, and the Dutch cities of Rotterdam, Vlissingen, Moerdijk and Amsterdam. After that, he wants to expand his travel agency to the rest of the world.With his original concept, Van Bree meanwhile participates in Bizidee, a competition for innovative business concepts.



Your story starts with telling us on which sea or ocean you want to spend your time and when you want to start your adventure.